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Swan Lake Production

We created costumes for Alexander Academy Performing Company's Production of the Swan Lake at Seabury Hall’s ‘A‘ali‘ikuhonua Creative Arts Center in June 2024. 


Costume Department

Costume Director  Jennifer Oberg
Assistant to Costume Director  Yasmine Lindskog
Design Assistants  Elaine Gima, Kate Colby, Micah Oberg
Studio Assistants  Beth Fox, Sara Oberg
Wardrobe Assistants -Beth Fox, Micah Oberg, Sara Oberg, Vicky Gray, Vickie Conmy, Gail Pickholz

Costume Shop Staff - The Sewing Hui  Allison Kermode, Audrey Billups, Beth Fox, Cari Tilley, Catherine Hampe, Cheryl Bien, Cheryl Hamilton, Daniella Vingelen, Debbie Shimabukuro, Diane Mathison, Elaine Gima, Emma Carter, Gail Pickholz, Gigi Dai, Ildi Kalmar, Jani Hoffmeier, Kate Colby, Kewen Imlay, Lili Regeczy, Lisa Pestana, Lynette Witter, Lynne Donaldson, Macie Madaus, Madeline Reese, Mele Andrade, Micah Oberg, Nancy Betts, Natalia Gomez, Pamela Patrick, Patricia Patrusan, Patti Brummel, Patty Davis, Polly Pierpanboelter, Randy Keller, Rhonda Barut, Ry Morris, Sally Daniels, Sandy Rice, Shannon McCaffrey, Sheryl Carter, Tia Lanzetta, Vickie Conmy, Vicki Shortell, Vicky Gray

Costume Shop Visitor-Volunteers  Adrienne Butler, Ben Butler, Cole Ackerman, Connie Fernandez, Fontaine Ma, Jerry Nielson, Jimmy Tsao, Linda Burkett, Marina Davis, Mary Nowakowski, Meg Desmond, Natalie Ackerman, Peggy Nielson, Sarah Espe, Vickie Johnson


Photography by Chelsea Fine

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